Forum Rules
1. Profane language.
Dont use profane language! You're post will be edited and you will receive a warning.
Insulting is also included with this rule.
2. Offtopic.
Posting an offtopic posts will result in a warning. There is a special section to spam you're useless/offtopic posts!
3. Acting like an admin.
Don't act like an staff member if you don't have any rights.
Posting any of this kind of crap is NOT allowed!
5. Report button.
If you have seen someone violate one of our rules, use the report button to report this person. Do NOT PM an admin, gamemaster or forum mod. Ex.:
Report button: (report button can be found right at the bottom of the post)
6. Images.
If you make or post you're images to big, the forum will be stretched. Images that don't match the maximum size of 400 by 300 pix. will be deleted and you will receive a personal message (PM).
TIP: To resize you're images, it's handy to use an image resizer. We recommend Flatstone resizer(direct download link, Windows).
7. Staff applications.
You're only allowed to apply for 1 function. If you are denied (you will find a post from Trilest in your apply topic) and your apply topic is locked, you can't apply for an other function within 1 weeks. Your application will also be closed to prevent spam.
8. Advertising.
Dun advertise anything in any way